Letter Pregnancy & Parenting

I’m writing to urge your support for the Pregnancy and Parenting Support Program which has been funded by the State Budget since 2013. I am grateful to both the Ohio House and the Ohio Senate for approving the funding of this program. Now, as the General Assembly considers the 2018-2019 State Budget, I am writing to ask that you maintain this funding.

Ohio has 142 pregnancy help centers and maternity homes that assist women in crisis pregnancies with the support they need to have their child, often helping mothers, fathers, and babies for years after birth. These centers are critical community staples which support women and positive birth outcomes – something that our state has given great care to promoting in light of our infant mortality crisis.

The Ohio General Assembly funded this program in 2013 and 2015, sending tax dollars to wonderful organizations like Elizabeth’s New Life Center and Heartbeat of Toledo, who served over 4,000 women with the funds in Southwest and Northwest Ohio. With an infant mortality crisis on our state’s hands, now is not the time to take funding away from community staples like these.

Please support the Pregnancy and Parenting Support Program in the final version of the budget and ensure that women and their children receive the care and support that they need.


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