10 Days to Dinesh!

Last night, Hillary Clinton iterated her commitment to appointing pro-abortion Supreme Court Justices who will maintain Roe v. Wade as the law of the land, and Donald Trump restated his commitment to appointing Justices “in the mold of Justice Scalia.”

Now is our time to restate our commitment to pro-life values and to continue to stand for the dignity of all human life.

Prior to the General Election, we invite you to do just that. An Evening with Dinesh D’Souza is now just 10 days away and we know many of you are still planning to register! Don’t miss your chance to see this amazing conservative filmmaker right here in Ohio.

In his most recent film, Hillary’s America, D’Souza exposes Planned Parenthood’s sordid history and slams Hillary Clinton for praising their racist, eugenicist founder Margaret Sanger. Watch the video below for Dinesh’s explanation!

Now, with just 10 days left and another debate behind us, we urge you to register today! Time is running out, and we want you there, standing should-to-shoulder with us, as we lift up the most precious right we have, the right to life!

Tickets to the event are just $20 and can be purchased here. Limited VIP seating and tickets to a private reception with Mr. D’Souza before the event are also available. For pricing information and availability, please contact Devin Scribner at 614-547-0099 ext. 309 or by email at [email protected].

Act now to purchase your tickets today!



Born in Mumbai, India, Dinesh D’Souza came to the U.S. as an exchange student and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College in 1983.

A former policy analyst in the Reagan White House, D’Souza also served as John M. Olin Fellow at the American Enterprise Instituteand the Robert and Karen Rishwain Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. He served as the president of The King’s College in New York City from 2010 to 2012.

His first book, Illiberal Education (1991), publicized the phenomenon of political correctness in America’s colleges and universities and became a New York Times bestseller for 15 weeks.

In 2010, D’Souza wrote The Roots of Obama’s Rage, which was described as the most influential political book of the year, and set off a firestorm which ultimately led to D’Souza’s first film, 2016: Obama’s America. The film quickly rose to the 2nd highest grossing political documentary of all time. 


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