10 MORE Reasons to De-Fund Planned Parenthood

Last week, we brought you 10 reasons to de-fund Planned Parenthood. The list goes on and on. The following is another list that busts the myth that women need Planned Parenthood.

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10 More Reasons to De-Fund Planned Parenthood Now

11. Ohio has 280 community health centers and rural clinics that are alternative health service providers for low-income women. Planned_Parenthood_Map_-_Charlotte_Lozier_and_ADF.jpg
12. Ohio has 213 statewide hospitals that spent nearly $1 billion in free charity care in 2011.
13. The number of uninsured Ohioans has been cut by half since 2012, meaning more women have access to physicians.

14. Nationwide, there are over 13,500 clinics that provide comprehensive health services. 8-18-15_Daily_Signal_-_Map_of_Comprehensive_Health_Care_Clinics.jpg
15. Ohio has 180 pregnancy help centers, clinics, and maternity homes that provide resources, parenting classes, and community support for disadvantaged mothers and fathers.
16. Nationwide, there are 3,000 pregnancy help centers, outnumbering abortion facilities by a ratio of 6:1.
17. In 2013, the state of Ohio initiated Ohio Right to Life’s Pregnancy and Parenting Support Program to provide funding to life-affirming pregnancy centers.
18. In 2015, Governor Kasich signed a budget that doubles the amount of funding to this program.
19. Planned Parenthood does NOT do mammograms. 803_mammogram_centers.jpg
20. Planned Parenthood’s cancer screenings dropped by about half between 2009 and 2013.

To be clear: Women do not need Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood needs women.

You can help us de-fund Planned Parenthood by signing our petition and asking a friend to do the same. Together, we can show the world that opposing Planned Parenthood and supporting health care for women are not mutually exclusive.


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