10 times Trump stood for Life

It’s hard to believe but the General Election is ONE WEEK from today! Over the next 7 days, we need your help getting out the pro-life vote. The best source for all things “VOTE PRO-LIFE” is our PAC website, ohiovotesforlife.org, which is home to our comparisonsballot cards and endorsements.

And to help you spread the word on Donald Trump’s pro-life commitments, we’ve created a list of 10 Times Donald Trump has stood for Life:

  1. Trump slams Hillary Clinton for position on late-term and partial-birth abortions
  2. Trump Interviews with EWTN on Pro-life Conversion
  3. Donald Trump Calls for De-funding Planned Parenthood: “I am committed to de-funding it.”
  4. Trump announces ‘pro-life coalition’, supports making Hyde Amendment permanent
  5. Donald Trump Comes Out In Support Of 20 Week Abortion Ban
  6. Trump promises to nominate pro-life Justices “like Scalia”
  7. Trump Chooses Proven Pro-life Leader Mike Pence for VP
  8. Donald Trump meets with pro-life leaders, including ORTL President
  9. Donald Trump to Catholic Leaders: I Am Pro-Life and I Will Protect Religious Liberty
  10. Donald Trump: “ObamaCare is a Total Disaster and It Has to Be Repealed”

We know without a doubt that not a single one of these stories would come from a Hillary Clinton presidency. We refuse to see four years and a generation of Supreme Court decisions handed over to her.
Head over to ohiovotesforlife.org to download and print our endorsements today! 


P.S. If you or a pro-life friend is still undecided about voting this election, we encourage you to read this article from The National Catholic Register (2012) and this article from The Christian Review (2016). Both give thoughtful consideration to the Christian conscience and voting.



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