2019 March for Life Recap

Every year, in the freezing January weather, tens of thousands of pro-lifers from all across the country gather together, united in their mission: to give a voice to the voiceless, and to protest Roe v. Wade. For 46 years, the March for Life has served as a peaceful witness and a powerful protest of the greatest human rights abuse of our time. This year was no exception.

This year, activists were further energized by a surprise visit from our Vice President Mike Pence! Walking out with his wife Karen, he said “We are the Pences, and we are pro-life!” The continued support that the pro-life movement has seen from this administration is so encouraging, and we are so thankful for the courageous stand that President Trump and Vice President Pence have taken for the cause of life!

While at the march, we had the privilege of meeting up with pro-life Ohioans, many of whom carried our “We Are Pro-Life Ohio” signs. We marched with U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, and co-hosted a reception for Ohioans with Sen. Portman and Congressman Jim Jordan. We attended the March for Life Conference & Expo and had a meeting with Ohio’s newest Congressman, Rep. Anthony Gonzalez! We came back encouraged and inspired by what we saw in Washington.  

Click here to see Ohio Right to Life’s Facebook album of pictures from the 2019 March for Life!

The theme of this year’s march was: Unique from Day One, Pro-Life is Pro-Science. We wholeheartedly agree that the pro-life movement is rooted in science. That is one of the many reasons we are going to be advocating for the Human Heartbeat Protection Act in 2019, because science tells that a baby’s heartbeat starts around six weeks. We believe that human life should be at the very least protected as soon as a heartbeat can be detected.

Human heartbeats should be protected, because each one represents a unique human person who will never exist again. In order to protect each beating heart in Ohio, we will need your help. If you are willing, will you continue to fight with us to protect human dignity and give $25, $50, or $100 to Ohio Right to Life today?

Thank you for how you have prayerfully and financially supported us. Your partnership continues to help us change hearts and minds across Ohio, with the ultimate goal of abolishing abortion. Until then, we march on…

For Life,

Jamieson Gordon, Director of Communications & Marketing

P.S. Will you consider partnering with us today? Your support would mean so much to us, as we continue to fight for a culture of life in Ohio.



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