2020 March for Life Recap

Pro-Life is Pro-Woman 


Every year, in the cold January weather, hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers from across the country and beyond gather together in Washington D.C. They are united in one mission: to give a voice to the voiceless, and to protest Roe v. Wade. For 47 years, the March for Life has served as a peaceful witness and a powerful protest of the greatest human rights abuse of our time. And at this year’s March, a historic one for the pro-life movement, the conviction that Roe vs. Wade could soon be overturned was stronger than ever before.

For the first time in history, the President of the United States spoke at the March for Life. President Trump, whose strong stance on the pro-life issue has energized our movement, spoke to what constantly compels pro-lifers to compassionate action. “We’re here for a very simple reason,” he said, “to defend the right of every child, born and unborn, to fulfill their God-given potential.”

The Ohio Right to Life team had the incredible honor of being able to attend the 2020 March for Life. We marched alongside hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers from all over the U.S., holding our signs which proclaim “We are Pro-Life Ohio.”

Click here to see Ohio Right to Life’s Facebook album of pictures from the 2020 March for Life!


Reflecting on our time at the 2020 March for Life, this year’s theme strikes us as being incredibly timely. The theme of this year’s march was: Life Empowers: Pro-Life is Pro-Woman. We couldn’t agree more.

We believe that women deserve better than abortion and that no woman should feel like she must choose between herself and her baby. That is why we have fought for policy measures like the Parenting and Pregnancy Support Act, which, through Ohio’s biennial budget, allocated $7.5 million dollars in funds to pregnancy centers and other life affirming agencies. This initiative is helping to provide even more life-saving care and support to at-risk moms and babies. Pro-Life is Pro-Woman!

We are invigorated by this and many other pro-life successes that we have been a part of. But there is still so much work to be done. More women in unplanned pregnancies to support. More babies to save from the violence of abortion. If and when Roe v. Wade is overturned, it will be up the pro-life movement to ensure that every woman and baby has the support and care they need to thrive. The time is coming, and we must be ready. If you are willing, will you help us continue in our mission to empower women and protect babies by giving $25, $50, or $100 to Ohio Right to Life today?

We are so thankful for all the ways you have prayerfully and financially supported us. We couldn’t do this work without you. Because of your faithful commitment to the pro-life cause, women across Ohio will be empowered to choose life and babies’ lives are being saved. Ohio is pro-life, and after experiencing the 2020 March for Life, we believe America soon will be too.

Together, we will end abortion.


For Life,

Allie Frazier
Director of Communications 

P.S. Will you consider partnering with us as an official member of Ohio Right to Life? Your support would mean so much to us, as we continue to fight alongside you for a culture of life in Ohio.


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