30 Reasons to De-fund Planned Parenthood – PLUS Carly Fiorina at the GOP Debate!

Did you see Carly Fiorina last night at the second GOP Debate? Her performance has everyone talking because of her bold insistence that Planned Parenthood be de-funded–not to mention her challenge to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to watch the Planned Parenthood videos. 

Carly made one thing very clear last night: We have plenty of reasons to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Over the last two weeks, we’ve sent you 20 of those reasons. As you might imagine, we easily came up with a list of 10 more. 

Watch Carly take on the abortion giant on CNN:

This list leaves no doubt in our minds: Planned Parenthood exists on the fringe of polite society–public opinion is not as warm to the abortion giant as they would have you believe. 


21. Polling routinely shows that over 60% of those polled oppose taxpayer funding for abortion.
22. The Hyde Amendment is not enough. According to National Right to Life, “The Hyde amendment only covers funds appropriated through the annual Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations bills. Taxpayer funds made available through other bills are not covered by Hyde.”
23. Abortion funding bans are constitutional. National Right to Life says, “The Supreme Court has held that the alleged constitutional ‘right’ to an abortion ‘implies no limitation on the authority of a State to make a value judgment favoring childbirth over abortion, and to implement that judgment by the allocation of public funds.’”
24. According to Pew Research Center, “About half of Americans (49%) say that having an abortion is morally wrong, while 15% think it is morally acceptable and 23% say it is not a moral issue.”
25. Since the emergence of the Planned Parenthood video scandal, “net sentiment” towards Planned Parenthood on social media has turned “decisively negative.” According to a marketing analysis from NetBase Inc, “PP’s Average net sentiment for the three months leading up the release of the first video was +62; as of August 20, 2015, PP’s sentiments stands at -26.”
26. Former corporate sponsors, including Coca-Cola and Ford, are distancing themselves from Planned Parenthood.

27. Even Planned Parenthood’s corporate partner in the fetal-part-trade has ended its contract with Planned Parenthood.

28. Nearly 70,000 people protested at hundreds of Planned Parenthood facilities on Saturday, August 22.
29. Over 1,600 people have signed Ohio Right to Life’s petition to de-fund Planned Parenthood—and thousands more have signed similar petitions!
30. Since the Planned Parenthood video scandal, even pro-choice people are reconsidering their beliefs.

There’s a reason taxpayer-funding for Planned Parenthood is controversial: Because Planned Parenthood is controversial. And as long as Planned Parenthood insists on taking innocent lives, we will continue to shine the spotlight on their barbarism.

Click here to sign our petition to de-fund Planned Parenthood.


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