3 ways to help save lives this Black Friday

Between Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday, we are in the thick of the season of giving and receiving. It’s also the most charitable time of the year.

Because we know how important it is to you to support the pro-life cause, we wanted to make sure you were aware of the different ways you can help Ohio Right to Life this Christmas season.

1. Shop using AmazonSmile! Planning on using Amazon for a portion of your Christmas shopping? If you shop using this link, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Ohio Right to Life Educational Fund! It’s a simple way to ensure that your purchasing power goes the extra distance in saving human lives. 

2. Save a little for Giving Tuesday! Giving Tuesday is the day Americans devote to charitable giving. It’s a day that helps bring generosity to the center of the Christmas season, and reminds us of what we already know so well: Pro-life Americans are some of the most generous people there are. You can get out in front of Giving Tuesday today by providing a gift using this link.
3. Download the 2nd Vote app! Are you extra conscious of shopping only at stores that support the pro-life cause? The 2nd vote app helps identify companies that give to Planned Parenthood so that you can re-direct your spending elsewhere. You can download the 2nd Vote app to your mobile device by clicking here.

How do you plan on advancing the cause of Life this Christmas season? Tell us in the comments!



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