8 in 10 Americans agree…abortion should have real legal limits

Today, our friends at March for Life Action launched a major public awareness campaign highlighting the overwhelming pro-life consensus most Americans share on the issue of abortion.

Based on a 2016 Knights of Columbus Marist Poll, the ad reveals that an overwhelming majority of Americans oppose the abortion-on-demand policies of the abortion lobby and pro-choice politicians. The first phase of the campaign is targeting 6 cities in the United States, to include Columbus and Dayton! The ad will run during major network programs including: Madame Secretary, Today Show, CBS This Morning, 60 Minutes and other significant programs.

Pro-life Ohio, as we head into the heat of the General Election, this campaign should give you hope! At a time when it seems like Washington, the courts, and popular culture are against us, we are actually winning!

Just last week, we got the news that abortions in Ohio hit a 39-year record low in 2015! As abortions decline and public opinion turns against abortion, pro-life Ohioans should be encouraged. We are winning the hearts and minds of America.

But of course…there is more work to be done. In 2015, there were still 20,976 abortions in the state of Ohio. That is 20,976 too many. Friends, we have work to do.  If 8 in 10 Americans agree that abortion should have substantial restrictions, shouldn’t our public policy reflect that?

As we head into October, we ask you to continue to speak and act on behalf of all human life. Not only is October the final lead-up to the General Election, it is also Respect Life Month, the perfect precursor to Election Day.

One amazing way that you can connect with the pro-life community this October is at our fall benefit, An Evening with Dinesh D’Souza!

Join us on Thursday, October 20 to see Dinesh D’Souza, best-selling author and filmmaker and creator of the gripping film Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party


As America inches closer and closer to Election Day, Ohio Right to Life invites you to engage with us in an evening that benefits the sanctity of human life and religious liberty. Join a community of life-affirming Ohioans who stand firmly against the many encroachments on these fundamental rights.

With your gracious contributions to this benefit, Ohio Right to Life will continue to advance the right to life here in Ohio.

Tickets to the event are just $20. Limited VIP seating and tickets to a private reception with Mr. D’Souza before the event are also available. For pricing information and availability, please contact Devin Scribner at 614-547-0099 ext. 309 or by email at [email protected].

Please tell us you’ll come today and join us for an evening that will benefit the first and most precious right, the right to life.


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