Abortion Clinic Fails Health and Safety Inspection

Department of Health Shuts Down Summit County Abortion Center

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                    CONTACT: Emmalee Kalmbach 

DATE: Wednesday April 24, 2013                             PHONE: (614) 547-0099 ext. 309 

AKRON Ohio- After an investigation and inspection of Capital Care Network of Cuyahoga Falls, the Ohio Department of Health announced its intent to shut down the abortion provider due to multiple health and safety violations. 

Through an investigation of public records, Ohio Right to Life identified numerous legal and regulatory violations. The abortion provider chose to be unresponsive to state regulator’s requests for comment. 

“Ohioans are witnessing firsthand the abortion industry’s dirty practices.  State investigators uncovered unsafe and unsanitary conditions at this abortion clinic and in order to protect women, the state shut them down for good.  These deplorable conditions should cause all Ohioans to pause and wonder what else Planned Parenthood and their allies are hiding across the state,” said President of Ohio Right to Life Mike Gonidakis.  

During Capital Care’s annual inspection, investigators cited multiple violations under 10 various inspection categories ranging from cleanliness, surgical procedures and staff requirements.  Among many violations, Capital Care failed to perform TB testing, used unqualified and untrained staff, failed to meet sanitary standards and failed to properly keep patient documentation and made dozens of other operational and medical failures. 

“Capital Care’s violations prove that the abortion industry does not operate as a health provider and is reckless. This closing comes on the heels of a state investigation of a Toledo abortion clinic. Health inspectors uncovered that the Toledo clinic operated illegally for some time. Sadly, we are beginning to see dangerous patterns and illegal practices. This proves that the Ohio abortion industry has turned into the Wild West,” said Gonidakis.

“I would like to personally thank our area churches, grassroots volunteers and the many supports who tirelessly prayed and gave their time to stand outside of this clinic and pray. It’s because of prayers and outreach that this clinic shut down. Now lives will ultimately be saved and women will be safe,” said Executive Director Denise Leipold of Northeast Ohio Right to Life. “We mourn the loss of the 536 babies that were lost last year and pray that the clinic’s doors remain closed,” said Leipold.

To read Ohio Department of Health’s inspection report for Capital Care click here.

The read the final adjudication order revoking Capital Care Network click here.


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