ANNOUNCING: 2019 Pro-Life Legislative Day

Our team is excited to announce that registration for our annual Pro-life Legislative Day is now OPEN! Click here to register now!

Legislative Day is devoted to advocating for pro-life laws at the Ohio Statehouse. It is a day for pro-life Ohioans like YOU to meet with your legislators and be a voice for the voiceless!

This year’s Pro-life Legislative Day will take place on Wednesday, March 13The event will be at the same place as last year, the Downtown Sheraton hotel! We are going to change up the program a bit this year, and we haven’t nailed down all the details yet, so keep checking out our event page for more information on that.

Over the last seven years in Ohio, we have seen remarkable change.

Since 2010, abortions in Ohio have dropped more than 25 percent!  Ohio Right to Life has successfully advocated for the passage of 21 pro-life laws, including Ohio’s Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Dismemberment Abortion Ban.

Legislators, pro-life and pro-choice alike, need to hear from their constituents. They need to hear from you because there is more work to do and we refuse to rest on our laurels.

This year, it is especially important that you come to Columbus for our Pro-Life Legislative Day. Your legislators need to hear from you about why the Heartbeat Bill is important. 

If you want to make a difference for the cause of life in Ohio legislatively, than you need to join us! In 2017, there were 20,893 abortions in the state of Ohio. That’s 20,893 innocent babies who needed our voices–all of our voices.

This year, along with the Heartbeat Bill, we will be advocating on behalf of numerous pieces of legislation that will protect the dignity of the human person. Your legislators need to know that pro-life legislation should be a priority! Will you join us? Will you devote just one day to ensuring that the right to life is respected for EVERY Ohioan?

Say YES! Click here to register and learn more about being a part of Legislative Day 2019!

With you for Life,

Jessica Warner

Director of Legislative Affairs


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