Calling all volunteers! We’re going back to the Ohio State Fair!

This July, Ohio Right to Life is headed back to the Ohio State Fair for 12 days of pro-life education, activism and of course, fair food!

Ohio Right to Life is now looking for passionate pro-life volunteers to fill shifts at our Fair booth. If you’re interested in promoting the pro-life message by educating fair-goers about human development, pro-life laws and the dignity of human life, this is for you! This Fair booth is all about engaging pro-life Ohioans and inspiring more people to join us in our fight for life. Click here to volunteer.

The Fair opens Wednesday, July 26 and closes Sunday, August 6. We have three shifts we will need covered: 10am – 2pm, 2pm – 6pm, and 6pm – 9 pm. You can work one shift or more! Whatever time you can offer to protecting the sanctity of human life is greatly appreciated.

If you’re unsure about what volunteering entails or if you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to do so effectively, no worries! We’ll be offering a training in July to make sure you have all of the information you need to promote life.

Click here to tell us you’ll volunteer today. The Fair might seem like a long way off, but it’s right around the corner–just 8 weeks away! With summer vacations coming, we want to make sure we secure plenty of help sooner rather than later. And we can use all the help we can get!


So what do you say? Will you help us? Will you volunteer?


P.S. If you want to volunteer, but can’t pin down a time just yet, that’s okay! Just fill out this form and we’ll follow-up in the next couple of weeks to see if we can set something up.


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