Comparing the Candidates

In 55 days, American voters will decide the next president of the United States. 

Our next president will set lasting policy and impact our nation’s courts for years to come, and  the presidential candidates’ views on abortion couldn’t be more different. 

President Trump has been the most pro-life president in American history. From stripping Planned Parenthood of $60 million dollars to reinstating the Mexico City Policy which ensures that the U.S. government doesn’t fund abortion overseas, President Trump’s strong commitment to enacting pro-life policy has been unparalleled. 

Former Vice-President Joe Biden’s record on Life, however, stands in stark contrast to President Trump’s. Time and time again, Biden has doubled down on his support of the the Democratic Party’s radical abortion platform: all-access, taxpayer funded abortion, for any reason, through all nine months of pregnancy. He has even gone so far as to promise to strike down individual state’s pro-life protections and codify Roe v. Wade

To learn more about Trump and Biden’s contrasting views on abortion, you can check out our comparison piece here.  

As you consider who you will cast your vote for in the 2020 Election, please keep the countless unborn children, whose lives hang in the balance, in your mind. Without the compassion and conviction of pro-life voters, they have no voice. 

With your vote, you can be their voice. Vote pro-life first. 

For Life,

Mike Gonidakis


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