Capital Care Network Can’t Pay Ohio Department of Health Fine

Toledo’s Last Abortion Clinic Sends Woman to Emergency Room in Employee’s Personal Car, Faces Fine


DATE: Friday, June 29, 2018     PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 304

COLUMBUS, Ohio–Yesterday, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) held a hearing on the $40,000 fine that ODH levied against Capital Care Network for failing to follow their own emergency procedures. In April 2017, a doctor at Capital Care Network was concerned that the woman’s bowel may have been perforated. In such a situation, according to Capital Care Network’s policies, 911 should be called and the woman and her medical records should be sent to the hospital. Instead, a Capitcal Care Network employee ushered the woman out the back door and into their personal vehicle, without any of the woman’s medical records. They dropped her off and didn’t even wait to find out if she was okay.

The following statement can be attributed to Mike Gonidakis, President of Ohio Right to Life:

Capital Care Network has operated recklessly for far too long. Their lack of health and safety standards could have cost a woman her life. If Capital Care Network can’t afford to pay the $40,000 fine for health and safety violations, they should be forced to close, like every other business would have to do in this situation. Abortion businesses shouldn’t get any special treatment.

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death. 



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