Press Releases
MEDIA ADVISORY – Students for Life to Rally Against Planned Parenthood at Statehouse
Ohio Statehouse Last Stop on Students for Life Bus Tour MEDIA ADVISORY ALERT CONTACT: Katherine FranklinDATE: Thursday, October 8,…
Vote “No” on Issue 3
Ohio Right to Life Argues Issue 3 Endangers Born and Unborn Babies FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Katherine FranklinDATE: Wednesday, October…
Legislature Launches Fall Hearings on De-Funding Planned Parenthood and Pain-Capable Abortion Ban
Pro-life Legislation Continues to Advance through Ohio General Assembly FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Katherine FranklinDATE: Tuesday, October 6, 2015 …
Kasich Admin Denies Variances to Planned Parenthood and Women’s Med Center
Two Facilities Could Close, Leaving Southwest Ohio Abortion-Free FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Katherine Franklin DATE: Friday, September 25,…
Senate President Keith Faber Leads Charge to De-Fund Planned Parenthood
Legislation Responds to Ongoing Planned Parenthood Video Scandal FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Katherine Franklin DATE: Wednesday, September 23,…
Ohio Right to Life Pushes Congress to De-Fund Planned Parenthood
Video Scandal Continues to Reveal Planned Parenthood’s Controversial Practices FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Katherine Franklin DATE: Tuesday, September…
Ohio Abortions Hit 38-Year Record Low
Ohio Department of Health Reports 8.7 Percent Drop in Abortions in 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Katherine Franklin…
Ohio Right to Life Calls on Governor Kasich to Terminate Medicaid Agreements with Planned Parenthood
Videos Continue to Expose Planned Parenthood FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Katherine FranklinDATE: Friday, August 7, 2015 PHONE:…
Legislation to De-Fund Planned Parenthood Introduced in Ohio House
Pro-life State Leaders Speak at Pro-life Rally FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Katherine Franklin DATE: Tuesday, July 28, 2015…
AG Mike DeWine Opens Investigation of Planned Parenthood
Ohio Law Prohibits Sale of Aborted Babies FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE …