Christ before me, Christ behind me

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! 

On this day of celebrating all things Irish, the powerful story of this holiday’s namesake may be lost to many. 

During the 5th-century, Saint Patrick, still a teenager, was kidnapped and made a slave by Irish raiders. While in captivity, miles away from home and in the direst of circumstances, Patrick became a Christian. After escaping, he dedicated the rest of his life to sharing the love of God with the people of Ireland, against all odds and at great personal cost. His undaunted faith and commitment to God’s redemptive mission saved countless people and, over a 1,000 years later, is still commemorated. 

Saint Patrick’s story is a shining example of how in the darkest, most evil of circumstances, God’s plan to save lives remains constant and sure. 

We enter this season with the most pro-abortion administration in our county’s history. President Biden has kept his campaign promises and is already hard at work dismantling every pro-life protection our country has. We find ourselves in the direst of circumstances. 

It is easy to be discouraged and it is easy to despair. But, like Saint Patrick, we are called to move forward in faith- completely centered in the surety of God’s plan. No matter what challenges lie before us, we can have confidence in a God whose desire to save the vulnerable is stronger than we could ever understand. God knows the name of every child lost to abortion. And He desires this great evil be ended. Even when that seems a world away. 

Our journey towards ending abortion is still being written. The way we get there may still be uncertain, but what is waiting for us at the end is not. If God is for us, who can be against us? 

Dear Friend, we may not know what lies ahead for our movement, but we do know who is behind us. 

“Christ before me, Christ behind me.”

For Life,

Allie Frazier
Director of Communications 


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