Fear Not

Dear Friend,

No year in recent memory has been as filled with fear as 2020. We have faced a global pandemic, a fraught presidential election, and a multitude of personal struggles. This Christmas, the darkness may seem closer to us than ever before. But dear friend, so is the reality of the Savior… 

“And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

-Luke 2:10-11 (ESV)

This is the message of Christmas. Through whatever darkness we face, God promises to send us hope and save us with His loving provision in His perfect plan. God has spoken to us many times and in many ways, but this Christmas, He speaks to us through the blessing of His perfect Son: a baby in a manager, come to save us from darkness.

This call to “Fear not” is for all of us. For the woman in an unexpected pregnancy. For the family struggling to make ends meet. For the pro-life advocate who wants nothing more for Christmas than an end to the darkness of abortion. Fear not, behold God’s gift. Jesus comes that we may have life- and have it abundantly. 

We don’t know what 2021 will bring. We don’t know the challenges we will face as we continue to fight tirelessly to protect the lives of the innocent and end abortion. We know many of you are tired,  many are scared, and many feel a depth of darkness like never before. But in that weariness and fear and in that darkness- is a baby in a manger, come to banish fear forever.

This Christmas, listen- hear the angel’s tidings of great joy, for all people. No matter how great the darkness, fear not, dear friend. Our God comes to save. 

Merry Christmas!

For Life,

Mike Gonidakis 

President of Ohio Right to Life 

P.S. We at Ohio Right to Life have written you a Christmas card as a small thank you for your unwavering advocacy for life this year. You can read that card here. God bless you! 


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