Dinesh D’Souza on the Right to Life

At the end of October, you joined us for a phenomenal evening of faith, hope and life—An Evening with Dinesh D’Souza.

Now, by popular demand, we are pleased to share with you the full-length recording from the event! Included in this recording are speeches from Devin Scribner (Executive Director), Marshal Pitchford (Chairman of the Board), Ellie Wittman (student at Miami University), and our keynote speaker, Dinesh D’Souza.

As you know, Ohio Right to Life is 100% donor-funded. Unlike Planned Parenthood, we don’t receive any funding from the government.

Yet we continue to make a real difference in our state. Since 2010, abortions have DROPPED 25 percent in Ohio! 

If you enjoyed An Evening with Dinesh D’Souza, will you prayerfully consider making a gift of $25, $50 or even $100 to Ohio Right to Life today? With your gift, you become a part of the largest and longest-serving pro-life advocacy organization in the state of Ohio. You become a part of history.


You can make a tax-deductible gift to Ohio Right to Life Educational Fund (our 501c3) or a non tax-deductible gift to Ohio Right to Life Society (our 501c4) where contributions are most needed.

Your gift today will help Ohio Right to Life take a stand for the 20,976 children who were aborted in Ohio last year alone. Please be their voice. A donation of any size will go a long way!


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