Donald Trump seeks pro-life vote

Yesterday, Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis met with presumptive Republican nominee Donald J. Trump in New York City. 

Just as we do every election, Ohio Right to Life is diligently collecting information and opinions from our supporters and thought leaders in the pro-life movement. Mike’s meeting was an important part of that process.

Today, we remain certain that we must oppose the radical pro-abortion candidacy of Hillary Clinton.

As Mike rejoins us in Columbus to de-brief, we want to once again invite you to weigh in on the presidential candidacy of Donald J. Trump, using this poll: Should Ohio Right to Life endorse Donald Trump? Or should we stay neutral? Or are you unsure?

Historically, Ohio Right to Life has led our state and the country in identifying pro-life leaders. In 2016, that tradition continues.

Ultimately, the decision to endorse rests with our PAC and the Ohio Right to Life Board of Trustees, both impressive groups of pro-life leaders who care immensely about electing pro-life officials who will vote for and enact pro-life policies. 

Make no mistake: Ohio Right to Life is confident that we will make the right choice—a choice that advances the right to life of every person.

As goes Ohio, so goes the nation. This election and all elections, Ohio Right to Life will lead the nation in honoring the intrinsic dignity of the human person.

Our poll will be open until this Friday, so please send us your thoughts as we consider Donald Trump’s pro-life credentials. Take our poll now and let us know what you think!


PS – Interested in helping us get out the pro-life vote? Join us this Saturday, June 25 in Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati for our first-ever Pro-life Day of Action! To RSVP and get more information, click here.


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