Death, where is your victory?

Dear Friend,

Happy Easter- He is risen! 

On this day as we celebrate the unquenchable power of Life, it is my sincere hope that we, as pro-life advocates, can have a renewed faith in the outcome of our fight. As we face a time of unprecedented darkness and an uphill battle against abortion, there is still more hope than we could possibly imagine- even in the midst of death. 

In the pro-life movement, we are well acquainted with Life, but possibly even more so with death. The fragility of our human frames we know all too well. We carry with us every precious, irreplaceable life whose body has been fatally broken by abortion. We know what it feels like to lose what is dear to us. In even a small way, we share in Christ’s suffering. We live amidst the intrinsic brutality of a world that allows tiny, defenseless humans to be killed without mercy. To us, the gravity of death is not lost- it is an ever present reality.

It is for that exact reason, friend, that Easter is so vitally important for our movement, and also so dear to my own heart. 

It is easy in this world- so seemingly overrun by death and darkness- to forget the triumph of our God. Easter reminds us that we serve a god not of the dead but of the living. When Jesus rose on the third day, He robbed not only the tomb of His body, but the law of death of its binding power. Now, it has been defeated and swallowed up by true, ever-lasting, Life. As advocates for Life we can proclaim with boldness-

“O death, where is your victory?

    O death, where is your sting?”

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

-1 Corinthians 15:55-57 (ESV)

Every chain has already been broken by Jesus. There is hope in this resurrection. There is hope that even in death, even in the horror and the sorrow of abortion, Christ has already triumphed. Dear friend, God can redeem even this. 

He is risen indeed. 

For Life,

Allie Frazier
Director of Communications 



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