Happy Father’s Day from Ohio Right to Life

Written by Peter Range, Chief Executive Officer for Ohio Right to Life
I miss my father. My dad died in 2015, just three months before my wedding to Laura. He was slated to be my best man at my wedding. From a very early age, we had bonded over baseball, family values, and politics, and as we both grew in our faith, knowledge, and friendship with the Lord Jesus. The Lord called him home too soon.
Nevertheless, in nearly every presentation I give, I mention my father, Jeremiah Allen Range. Twice paralyzed from the neck down, he was, and is, the inspiration for my work at Ohio Right to Life. He taught me that life has value, not based upon what it can or cannot do, but rather life has value for what it is: made in God’s image and likeness. Each life is precious, beautiful, and worth living—even in a completely crippled body.
Our culture and society are in such disarray today because of the lack of good, moral, upright fathers. As I reflect upon my own father this weekend, I’m so thankful for a dad who lived authentic masculinity: leading his wife and family as a provider, protector, and spiritual leader.
This Father’s Day weekend, I want to take a moment to acknowledge all those dads who are swimming against the tide of our culture, who are being faithful to their duties and responsibilities, and who have— like my father—shown their children the true value of human life.
None of us are perfect, and I’m reminded of that daily as I try now to raise my four children. Yet maybe the greatest gift we can give to our kids is not to be perfect but to point them to the One Father who is perfection itself. My dad did that for me and to all the fathers out there who are irreplaceable, I hope you will not miss the opportunity to point your kids and all of those around you to the Father’s love from heaven.
Happy Father’s Day weekend!