Finally, a pro-life President

Today is a day that means a lot to the pro-life movement. After eight years of pro-abortion policies, we are ready for protections for the unborn. After eight years of watching President Obama and Planned Parenthood fawn over each other, we are ready to de-fund the abortion giant. 

As Donald J. Trump is inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States, we say a prayer for his presidency and for the lives we hope are saved during his time in office.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence made multiple promises to pro-life Americans during their campaign. From the appointment of pro-life judges to the de-funding of Planned Parenthood to the enactment of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, we have much to be hopeful for! 

This Sunday, we will mark the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and remember the 60 million human lives who have been taken by legalized abortion. As somber a day this will inevitably be, we have reason to hope and believe that in the near future we will no longer have to protest this notorious decision. We are committed to making that belief a reality.


As with any presidency, the next four years will require the pro-life movement’s vigilance and firm resolve to achieve our goals and protect human life. At Ohio Right to Life, we are emboldened by the energy and dedication of supporters like you who will rally for pro-life policies during these next four years.  

We look forward to joining together in the great mission of making America pro-life again!


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