Gorsuch sworn in!



Judge Neil Gorsuch Sworn in as Supreme Court Justice

Earlier today, Judge Neil Gorsuch was sworn in as the ninth justice of the Supreme Court of the United States!

Ohio Right to Life thanks President Donald Trump for fulfilling his promise to appoint pro-life judges, as well as pro-life Senator Rob Portman for voting for Judge Gorsuch. From the beginning to the end of Gorsuch’s confirmation process, pro-abortion Senator Sherrod Brown remained staunchly opposed to Judge Gorsuch, citing the judge’s pro-life credentials as a reason he opposed his nomination.

Ohio Right to Life also thanks YOU, first, for voting pro-life in 2016, and second, for the many phone calls and emails you sent to our Senators’ offices over the last several weeks. This—the swearing in of a pro-life judge—is the culmination of everything we’ve fought for over the last year! Join us in soaking it in, and continuing the fight for life in 2017. Thank you for making our voices heard!

Click here to read Ohio Right to Life’s response to Justice Gorsuch’s confirmation last Friday.

Pro-life advocates promote pro-life laws at the Ohio Statehouse

Last Wednesday, pro-life advocates from across the state joined us in Columbus for Ohio Right to Life’s annual Pro-life Legislative Day, a day devoted to advocating for pro-life laws at the Ohio Statehouse.

At our annual luncheon, we heard from Representative Scott Wiggam (former Ohio Right to Life Board Trustee) and Senate President Larry Obhof, two important pro-life leaders who have been and will continue to be instrumental in building a culture of life in Ohio. Cindi Boston, Vice President of Heartbeat International, shared the work of pregnancy help centers, telling just a few of the many stories of how pregnancy help centers have helped mothers choose life. 

Click here to read full story.




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