Happy Easter from Ohio Right to Life

He is risen! 

Every year, Easter brings the reminder that even in the darkest times, Life will triumph. This year, that message seems more important than ever before. Few Easters, at least in our lifetime, have so clearly showcased the darkness that at times feels like it will overwhelm our world. We are a world desperately in need of a miracle. 

But thanks be to God-  One has already come. This Easter, millions of believers around the world will celebrate the earth-shaking reality that Death has been overthrown by the only Son of God, who offers this eternal Life to all who call on Him. Regardless of who we are or where we’ve been, Life is ready to rescue and restore. In the midst of a world crumbling, Christ stands risen and ready to save. This is the Good News of Easter- today and every day. 

At Ohio Right to Life, our own battle against death is still being waged. Abortion facilities still to be shuttered. Women in crisis to help. Lives still in need of saving. Even with the tide turning towards Life in our state and with the number of abortions down 31% over the last decade, we still mourn those lives lost to abortion. Each life is irreplaceably precious. But even now, we have this consolation: 

“…weeping may stay for the night,
    but rejoicing comes in the morning.”

-Psalm 30:5b (NIV)

Death is not our destiny. Darkness will not win. We will see abortion abolished in our lifetime. Life has already made a way. 

He is risen indeed.

May all the blessings of Life be yours this Easter.

 –The Team at Ohio Right to Life


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