Heartbeat Bill Introduced and Sponsor Testimony

Yesterday, our team sat in on the press conference announcing the Ohio Senate’s legislative priorities for 2019-2020. Senate President Larry Obhof said this, “As a conservative caucus, we will be focusing on legislation that protects innocent human life.” He announced that both the Human Heartbeat Protection Act (S.B. 23) and the Unborn Child Dignity Act (S.B. 27) were priorities, along with other Ohio Right to Life sponsored legislation.



Today, the Ohio Senate Health, Human Services, and Medicaid Committee will hold the first hearing on the Heartbeat Bill. Sen. Kristina Roegner (R-Hudson) will testify on behalf of the bill as the bill’s sponsor. The details for the hearing are as follows: Wednesday, February 13th at 1:30pm in the South Hearing Room

Yesterday, our president, Mike Gonidakis, spoke on behalf of Ohio Right to Life to NBC 4 about the future of the Heartbeat Bill. “Ohio Right to Life has worked tirelessly the last 60 to 90 days on ways that we can strengthen the Heartbeat Bill to withstand a court challenge to get to the Supreme Court.” Gonidakis said.

Please check out that interview by clicking the picture below:


People across the country are following what has been happening in Ohio! Check out these articles which mention Ohio’s Heartbeat Bill, written in the last two weeks:

The New York Times: Anti-Abortion Activists Still See Their Best Chance in Years to Chip Away at Roe v. Wade

The Washington Post/Associated Press: High court takes abortion vote, but key tests still to come

The Wall Street Journal: States Are Shifting Farther Apart on Abortion

CNN: Courts say anti-abortion ‘heartbeat bills’ are unconstitutional. So why do they keep coming?

We will keep working tirelessly to defend the unborn in Ohio through the Heartbeat Bill and other important pro-life legislation. Thanks for your support!

With you for Life,


Jamieson Gordon

Director of Communications & Marketing


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