Heartbeat Bill Passes Ohio House Health Committee

It’s clear that pro-abortion groups are getting worried as the Heartbeat Bill gets closer to the end of the legislative process. They should be. Today, the Human Rights and Heartbeat Protection Act (SB 23) passed out of the Ohio House Health Committee after five committee hearing meetings, with more than a hundred witnesses and twelve hours of combined testimony. 

We anticipate quick action and a floor vote as soon as tomorrow! To say that NARAL and Planned Parenthood are incensed would be an understatement. PP sent out this graphic earlier (see left), but we added some revisions (see right).

Ohioans overwhelmingly reject abortion on demand and embrace policies that save the lives of women and their babies. 

But the fight isn’t over yet, and we need your help as we work to ensure that this important legislation is as strong as it can be! Please consider donating a few dollars as we take on the abortion lobby at the Ohio Statehouse! We won’t stop until abortion is both illegal and unthinkable in Ohio.

With you for Life,




Jamieson Gordon

Director of Communications & Marketing, Ohio Right to Life



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