Historic Pro-Life Legislation Advances with Bipartisan Support

Ohio House passes legislation banning late-term abortions and other measures

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                   CONTACT: Rachel Schlater
DATE: Tuesday, June 28, 2011                                                PHONE: (614) 547-0099

(COLUMBUS) – The Ohio House of Representatives passed two major pro-life bills this afternoon, including a ban on late-term abortions and a provision to opt Ohio out of taxpayer abortion coverage under the new federal healthcare law.

Both strategically crafted bills withstood attempts at pro-abortion amendments and emerged from the House floor with overwhelming bipartisan support. House Bill 78 was passed by an astounding 64 to 32 vote and House Bill 79 was passed by a 62 to 35 vote.

“The passing of our legislation is a defining moment in Ohio history for the pro-life movement,” said Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director of Ohio Right to Life.  “Our late term abortion ban is part of a national strategy to overturn Roe v. Wade and today Ohio is one step closer to joining other states such as Indiana, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma who are currently saving these babies lives,” said Gonidakis. 

The Late-Term Abortion Ban is expected to advance directly to the Senate floor, where a pro-life super majority exists. 

HB 79 takes advantage of the provision within Obamacare allowing states to opt out of abortion coverage. The bill will exclude abortion coverage from the State Exchange created in the federal law.

“Ohio voters elected a pro-life majority in the General Assembly to pass legislation such as HB 78 and HB 79 which will protect mothers and babies and taxpayers from having to fund abortions,” said Gonidakis. 

Ohio Right to Life expresses its sincere gratitude to the members of the Ohio House who supported these life-saving measures, especially Rep. Kristina Roegner (R-Cuyahoga Falls)Rep. Joe Uecker (R -Loveland) and Rep. Danny Bubp (R-West Union). Please join us in thanking them for their pro-life leadership.



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