Hollywood is giving to Big Abortion, What can YOU do?

Last Tuesday was big.

Pro-life America won the White House and held onto Congress. Pro-life Ohio not only maintained super majorities in the Ohio House and Senate, we also picked up a seat in each chamber. Furthermore, 90 percent of Ohio Right to Life PAC-supported candidates WON election!

To top off an amazing week, this Monday and Tuesday, Ohio Right to Life announced findings on two Ohio abortion facilities that are operating outside of Ohio law, one in Dayton and one in Columbus.

As Life wins again and again, the abortion lobby is, as expected, more restless than ever. Last night, a group of protesters chanted at the Statehouse, “Abortion rights are human rights,” protesting Ohio Right to Life’s legislation which would ban abortions when babies can feel pain and require the humane burial or cremation of aborted children. 

Already, Hollywood is pouring TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars into the bloated abortion industry, going so far as to make donations to Planned Parenthood in the names of pro-life leaders like Vice President-Elect Mike Pence.

As excited and grateful as we are about the pro-life movement’s recent victories, now is not the time to rest. If anything, now is the time to push ahead with a vibrant, life-affirming agenda that will win hearts and minds and save human lives. 

Will you help us charge ahead with our mission and finish 2016 strong? We still have TWO pro-life laws that need passed by the Ohio House before Christmas. The need is urgent


If we don’t pass these bills now, the legislative session will end and we will have to start our work all over again next year.

Now is the time to push forward with courage, compassion and heart. Will you give?


P.S. Your gift today will help Ohio Right to Life take a stand for the 20,976 children who were aborted in Ohio last year alone. Please be their voice. A donation of any size will go a long way!


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