Just Now: Ted Strickland and Planned Parenthood in Columbus

Just now, Ted Strickland, pro-abortion Democratic nominee for US Senate, held a meeting with Cecile Richards at the Ohio Democratic Party headquarters in Columbus.

On average, Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood, rakes in over half a million dollars in annual income, all while promoting and providing abortion-on-demand over 300,000 times every year.

As a reminder, this is the same woman who, nearly a year ago, apologized for the gruesome descriptions found in undercover footage of her top medical director discussing the trade of aborted fetal body parts over wine and salad. Later, she fumbled trying to explain the apology, caught in the PR scandal of a lifetime.

As pro-life Congressman Jim Jordan later asked her, “If the videos were heavily edited, then why’d you apologize? It is a smiple question,” he said. “You don’t apologize for things that are inaccurate. You apologize for things that are accurate.”

As Ted Strickland and the Democratic Party parade pro-abortion corporatism here in Columbus, we are reminded of the profuse importance of voting pro-life. We are reminded of the horrors of last year’s revelations—revelations that seared the images of aborted hearts, livers, and lungs into the American perception of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.

This election, we will keep reminding our fellow Ohioans of those gruesome discoveries. We will illuminate the fact that unborn babies can feel excruciating pain. And we will continue to promote pro-life leaders who will protect them.

At Ohio Right to Life, we are grateful for the pro-life leadership of US Senator Rob Portman, an original co-sponsor of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. His pro-life record provides a stark contrast to that of Ted Strickland.

As we remember the importance of voting pro-life, there’s still time for you to RSVP for our Pro-life Day of Action this Saturday, June 25! We will be going door-to-door from 10 am – 2 pm and surveying Ohioans on how they thing about the abortion issue. Join us this Saturday in Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati to help us make a difference for human life! To RSVP and get more details, click here. 

In the meantime, stay tuned for more details on how you can promote LIFE with Ohio Right to Life this summer and this election season!



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