Human Life Protection Act
S.B. 123
Introduced in the Ohio Senate 3/9/21
Sponsor Testimony in the Ohio Senate Health Committee 9/29/21
This legislation would prohibit all abortions except those necessary to save the mother’s life, but would not take effect until the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. It is a common misconception that once Roe is overturned, abortion will become illegal in the United States. However, overturning Roe would in reality result in leaving the decision to permit or prohibit abortion up to each state. If Roe were overturned today, a baby in Ohio could be aborted until up to 20 weeks gestation. As we look forward to a time in which Roe is overturned and Ohio is able to enact our own policy, the post-Roe activation clause in the Human Life Protection Act will serve as a key, proactive pro-life measure in our incremental approach.
Bill Sponsors
Kristina Roegner
Ohio Senator (R)
Sandra O’Brien
Ohio Senator (R)
No call-to-action letter at this time.