Meet Jamieson: Our Summer Intern at Ohio Right to Life!

Meet our new summer intern, Jamieson! 

Hey all! My name is Jamieson and I am one of the interns at Ohio Right to Life this summer. I’m a senior at Grove City College in Western Pennsylvania, majoring in Political Science and French. Those majors may seem like an odd combination, but it led me to study in Aix-en-Provence, France last fall which was incredible. I love to travel and eat good food, so my semester in Europe was basically the dream. I got to travel to 8 countries and multiple cities, and experience the rich history of Europe. At school, I am a Young Life leader, which is a high school ministry. Because of my involvement in Young Life, I also help to coach distance for the high school track team. As if I wasn’t busy enough, I played club women’s lacrosse for two years in college as well. In my free time, I love to hike and be outside, read, run, and spend time with my red lab, Gracie. Also, as I mentioned earlier, I love eating (and making) good food.


I’m excited to be working here at Ohio Right to Life this summer for lots of reasons, the main reason being that I am passionate about the pro-life movement, politics and advocacy. When I was seven, I heard the word “abortion” on Meet the Press and I turned to my dad and asked him what it was. He explained it to me and said, “Some people think it’s wrong because they are killing a baby.” And I turned, outraged, and said, in a sassy tone, “cuz it is!”

When I reached high school and my beliefs started to solidify, I realized that pro-lifers are oftentimes stifled by loud pro-abortion activists. When I got to college, I decided to educate myself more, and tried to keep more up to date with the news of what happened in the pro-life world. I wrote a research paper laying out the facts against abortion, and another on the evolution of state restrictions on abortions in the past 40 years. All the reading and research has spurred me to realize that, if I feel this passionately about something, I need to step up and do something about it!

Ultimately, the most important facet of me is my belief and faith in Jesus. That’s what makes me passionate about the pro-life movement, and what makes me want to fight for those who don’t have a voice. We’ve been given a democracy and the ability to radically change and affect the way government runs, and I see this summer as my foray into acting on what I’m passionate about: being a voice for the voiceless. I’m excited for this opportunity to fight for a cause that is so important in general and to me. 


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