Merry Christmas from Ohio Right to Life

“For unto us a child is born…” 

-Isaiah 9:6

There is no time of year as pro-life as Christmas time. We give more freely, love more truly, and celebrate the birth of a baby who brought light into our darkness. Out of one unplanned pregnancy and one mother’s courageous embrace of God’s perfect plan, came the Savior of all mankind.

At this most sacred time of the year, we reflect on that baby who changed the world forever. Just as Jesus came to rescue those doomed to die, the pro-life movement humbly follows in his footsteps to protect life. As we advocate for the unborn, speak life to our culture, and support women in crisis, our members and supporters are saving precious lives and changing our world for good. Thank you for all you do to protect the life. Your compassion, conviction and self-sacrifice echo the greatest gift ever given: a baby in a manger. 

Every child, no matter how humble the circumstances of their birth, has infinite value. Amidst all the darkness of this world shines the Light of LIFE. 












Emmanuel, God with us. 

Merry Christmas,

Ohio Right to Life



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