New Government Report Shows Historically Low Abortions in Ohio

Despite Poor Economy, Ohio’s Abortions Decreased in 2009 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                         CONTACT: Mike Gonidakis
DATE: Thursday, October 14, 2010                               PHONE:(614) 547-0099 ext. 301

(COLUMBUS, OHIO) – Abortions have reached an all-time low in Ohio, according to a report released by the Ohio Department of Health. The 2009 Report on Induced Abortions in Ohio shows a continued downward trend in the total number of abortions performed. The report shows 28,721 abortions were performed in 2009. This is a three percent decrease over the 2008 number of 29,613.  The number of total abortions performed in Ohio has seen a decline annually since 2000 and a decrease of over 40% from the all time high number in the 1980s. 

“We are winning the fight against those who push abortion as the first and sometimes only choice for women in crisis,” Ohio Right to Life Executive Director Mike Gonidakis said.  “We continue to witness a trend of Ohioans moving towards a firm respect for life.  One of the reasons for the continued decline in abortions has been the enactment of new laws which help young women make positive decisions for themselves and their babies.  Whenever you have even the slightest legislative gain that protects women and defends her baby, it will make a difference,” said Gonidakis.   

The report detailed demographic information regarding women obtaining abortions. Those statistics include:

  • 18% of women were less than 20 years old;
  • 34% were between 20 and 24 years old;
  • 83% were unmarried;
  • 41% were black;
  • 64% of women having abortions had only a high school education or less; and,
  • 36% of all abortions were reported in Cuyahoga County, the highest in the state.

“Ohio Right to Life is grateful for the annual decrease in Ohio abortions despite the state’s severe economic crisis,” Gonidakis said. “We will continue to promote life-affirming options including adoption and will work to increase awareness of the more than 130 pro-life pregnancy centers throughout Ohio.” 

The 2009 abortion report can be reviewed in its entirety by clicking here or by visiting

Ohio Right to Life, the affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee, is a statewide, non-profit, non-sectarian educational organization. For more than 40 years, Ohio Right to Life continues to experience success in its mission to promote and protect life due to its dedicated board members, executive staff and affiliated chapters located throughout the state.



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