The New York Times Reveals Illegal Activity in Planned Parenthood of Ohio Clinics

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                CONTACT: Afton Simonelli

DATE: Thursday, March 6, 2025      PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext.303     

COLUMBUS, Ohio— Today, Ohio Right to Life delivered a complaint to the Ohio Department of Health and State Medical Board of Ohio against Planned Parenthood. In an article from the The New York Times labeled, ‘Planned Parenthood in Crisis as Patients Report Botched Care and Tired Staff’ (released Feb.15.2025) it states that unqualified staff have been practicing blood draws and I.V. placements on clients.

“Yet again Planned Parenthood recklessly breaks the law and is placing pregnant women in danger,” said Mike Gonidakis, President of Ohio Right to Life. “Not only are they breaking the law by using unqualified and uneducated staff to perform these medical tasks, but they are also training them in an unethical way. Women are being mistreated and lied to about their care, and this misinformation can lead to harmful outcomes. Ohio laws and standards of care are blatantly being ignored in order to turn profit. The so-called doctors in charge of Planned Parenthood must be held accountable.”

According to the New York Times Article; “Medical assistants in Ohio, Minnesota, Arizona, California, New York, Texas, Indiana and Illinois said they practiced blood draws and I.V. placements for an hour or so on a fake arm and then on a colleague before performing the procedures in clinics. But they said they sometimes ran into problems, and some said they did not know what do when they arose.”

Training for licensed medical personnel to execute blood draws and I.V. placements requires individuals to take classes, pass exams, and do hands on practice all before being able to use their expertise without supervision. Simply put, Planned Parenthood employees do not have the basic training needed to uphold clinical standards of care.


Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.


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