Ohio Right to Life Issues Following Statement on Ohio’s Longstanding 24-Hour Waiting Period Being Put on Hold 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE       CONTACT: Rachel del Guidice 

DATE: FRIDAY, August 23, 2024     EMAIL: rdelguidice@ohiolife.org

COLUMBUS, Ohio—Ohio Right to Life President Michael Gonidakis issued the following statement on Ohio’s mandatory 24-hour waiting period for mothers seeking an abortion being put on hold by Franklin County Common Pleas Court Judge David Young. 

“A 24-hour waiting period for an irreversible, life altering decision does not interfere with a mother’s ability to abort her child,” Gonidakis said. “The law merely allows a reflection point for a 24-hour period to give appropriate education and reflection to the finality of the decision to abort. Abortion ends a child’s life and Ohio’s 24-hour waiting period has led to countless babies being born in Ohio. Instead of rushing a mother to abort her baby, she deserves the time and resources to adequately reflect on this decision.” 



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