Ohio Abortions Drop to Historic Low

State Report Reveals Largest Abortion Decrease in Years


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(COLUMBUS, OH) – Reported abortions have never been fewer in the state of Ohio, according to the latest report released by the Ohio Department of Health. The 2011 Abortion Report reveals not only a new all time low in the number of abortions, but also one of the largest decreases in state recorded history, dropping by 12% (3,359 abortions) since 2010. Tragically 24,764 abortions were still performed in Ohio during 2011. 

“Our mission at Ohio Right to Life is to protect women and children. Our goal is to change hearts and minds to impact our culture positively for life. This report represents not only the success of Ohio Right to Life’s advocacy, but successes of a combined strategy to change attitudes regarding abortion,” said President Mike Gonidakis. “After all, these really aren’t just numbers; each tally represents a woman and the life she carried inside of her. This report recounts to us that more Ohio women than ever before are choosing to hold a newborn baby in their arms.”

The 2011 Ohio Abortion Report demonstrates that of all abortions:  

  • The majority occur in the metropolitan areas of Cuyahoga County at 36%, Franklin at 23%, and Hamilton at 18%;
  • 49% were performed upon young women and girls under the age of 24;
  • 85% occur during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • 46% were performed upon Ohio residents who have previously had an abortion.
  • 39% were performed upon African American women while they make up less than 10% of the population.

“Because of the leadership provided by Governor John Kasich and Ohio’s pro-life majorities in the General Assembly, Ohio Right to Life and its affiliated chapters were able to pass an unprecedented amount of pro-life legislation in 2011,” said Gonidakis. “As such, we’ve coined 2011 ‘the best year yet’. Today’s 2011 report gives that statement real meaning. The entire pro-life movement’s advocacy extends beyond the halls of government and into our Churches, schools and communities. We firmly believe Ohioans’ attitudes towards abortion are changing with the deepest respect for life.”

The 2011 abortion report can be reviewed in its entirety by clicking here.

Ohio Right to Life, an affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee, is a statewide, non-profit, non-sectarian educational organization. For more than 40 years, Ohio Right to Life continues to experience success in its mission to promote and protect life due to its dedicated board members, executive staff and affiliated chapters located throughout the state.


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