Ohio Abortions Hover Near Historic Lows

State Report Shows Abortions Spiked 5.6% Among African Americans in 2012

COLUMBUS, Ohio—Today’s release of the 2012 Ohio Abortion Report by the Ohio Department of Health shows that, following the historic 12 percent drop in abortions in 2011, abortions last year remained near the lowest levels ever, even with a slight rise from 2011. The 3 percent increase in 2012 (24,764 to 25,473) leaves abortions at the second-lowest level since 1976, when record-keeping first began, and significantly lower than 2010 levels (28,123 abortions).

The 2012 Abortion Report also reveals a:

  • 5.6 percent overall increase within the African American community
  • 1.7 percent overall decrease within the white community
  • 30 percent decrease in abortions after 19 weeks gestation
  • Increases in the major metropolitan areas of Cuyahoga, Franklin and Hamilton Counties
  • Decrease in Lucas County (Toledo), and;
  • Decrease in teen abortions and increases in age groups older than 20

“We grieve for the loss of life represented by this report, and rise in abortions last year—even if it’s slight—is a tragedy that reminds us that our work is not done,” said Mike Gonidakis, President of Ohio Right to Life. “Fewer babies are alive today—especially in the African American community—and the blame for that tragedy lies squarely on the shoulders of Planned Parenthood, the rest of the abortion industry, and every politician who campaigned on their behalf last year.”

Last year’s hard-fought presidential election again found Ohio as the key battleground state, which meant millions of dollars were spent there by abortion industry leader Planned Parenthood in their support of their political ally, pro-choice President Barack Obama.  Through political advertising, Planned Parenthood succeeded in further building their brand and expanding their business.

“As the first African American president, Barack Obama acted with complete irresponsibility and dangerous disregard by campaigning for and bringing business to an organization that has historically targeted minority communities,” continued Gonidakis. “The results speak for themselves: abortions among whites went down while abortions among African Americans increased. This is a crisis that last year’s election only worsened.”

Significant progress was made in decreasing abortions among babies older than 20 weeks. Following the passage of the Ohio Right to Life Late-Term Abortion Ban in 2011, abortions after 20 weeks gestation fell by 30 percent last year. 

“Right now, the pro-life community is wondering how much higher last year’s abortions would have been without the life-saving laws that have already been enacted in Ohio,” said Gonidakis. “We fully expect Planned Parenthood and NARAL to celebrate the overall abortion increase, but we nevertheless hope that they will one day work with Ohio Right to Life, pregnancy help centers, and the rest of the pro-life community to lower the number of abortions and bring Ohio back to life.”

To read the full 2012 Ohio Abortion Report, click here.

To view a map of Planned Parenthood abortion facilities strategically placed in the counties most densely populated by African Americans, click here.

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 local chapters, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.


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