Ohio Right to Life Applauds Governor Kasich

JobsOhio signed into law today, will promote life in Ohio

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                             CONTACT:Rachel Schlater 

DATE: Friday, February 18, 2011                                      PHONE:(614) 547-0099 ext. 309

(COLUMBUS, OH) – The Ohio Right to Life Society commends Governor John Kasich and the members of the Ohio General Assembly for passing a common sense solution to kick start Ohio’s sluggish economy.  For so many hardworking Ohioans, especially young men and women, the basic ability to find a job and to provide for their families is the foundation of a stable home.

“Far too often abortion vulnerable women site economics as a factor in their decision making process,” said Mike Gonidakis, Executive Director of Ohio Right to Life.  “With the enactment of JobsOhio, Governor Kasich has a critical building block to return Ohio to a stable business environment that will ultimately provide jobs for Ohioans,” said Gonidakis.

Ohio legislators have been busy with pro-life legislation. Specifically, HB 78, the Late-Term Abortion banHB 79, Opt-Out of Abortion Coverage;  and HB 63, the Judicial Bypass for Parental Consent law.

“The overwhelming support of our pro-life leaders in the Ohio legislature demonstrates that our government is serious about enacting safeguards to protect babies’ lives,” said Gonidakis.

Ohio Right to Life is proud to work with our Governor and pro-life legislators who can not only work on passing pro-life bills, but also JobsOhio and other pieces of legislation that will improve and promote life in Ohio.


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