Ohio Right to Life Expands Urban Outreach with Youth

Pro-Life Organizaiton Works with Inner-City Catholic Schools 

Ohio Right to Life Public Relations Manager presents the right to life to 8th graders.
COLUMBUS, Ohio–Recently, Ohio Right to Life expanded its Urban Outreach Initiative in two ways: 1.) presenting the right to life to inner-city Catholic school students, and 2.) distributing literature in minority communities with local high school students. Both efforts fall under Ohio Right to Life’s broader goal of “planting the pro-life seed” with minority youth and adults.


“The purpose of the presentations and lit-drops is two-fold: to provide facts and to provide hope,” said Katie McCann, Public Relations Manager at Ohio Right to Life. “We want to give students the facts about abortion, particularly about abortion in the African American community–but we also want them to know that abortion is not the end of the story.”


Students engage in Ohio Right to Life’s pro-life presentation.
Ohio Right to Life recently worked with high school students to distribute literature in Berwick, a neighborhood on the east side of Columbus. They distributed literature in the Cumberland Ridge neighborhood at the end of February. McCann has also presented on the right to life at All Saints Academy, her middle school alma mater. 


“We are eager to share the pro-life message with more students, and would welcome the chance to speak with all teachers and principals about this opportunity,” said McCann.



Teachers and principals who would like to learn more about this initiative should contact Katie McCann at 614.547.0099, ext. 304 or by email at [email protected].


Ohio Right to Life distributed 500 pieces of literature in the fall.


Students from Bishop Hartley and St. Francis DeSales high schools distribute pro-life literature at the end of February.










Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 local chapters, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.   



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