Ohio Right to Life Renews Effort to Defund Planned Parenthood

Ohio House Committee Hearings Restart with Emotional Testimony from Pro-life Women

DATE: Wednesday, May 16, 2012
PHONE: (614) 547-0099 ext. 309
(COLUMBUS, OH) – Today, the Ohio House of Representatives Health and Aging Committee heard powerful testimony from pro-life women supporting House Bill 298, a bill that would defund Planned Parenthood. Led by pro-life Representatives Kristina Roegner, Cliff Rosenberger and Chairman Lynn Wachtmann, this legislative initiative embraces the critical need to provide limited taxpayer dollars to health care centers that support low-income women and their children.
“With over 300 Ohio-based health care centers in desperate need of funding, it is critical to pass this legislation which will ensure the health care needs of women and their children are met,” said Mike Gonidakis, President of Ohio Right to Life. “It can’t be ignored that Planned Parenthood is one of the largest pigs at the taxpayer trough, yet fails to provide certain and basic health care services offered at most of the other 300 clinics. It’s time to stand up against the special interests, abortion lobbyists and their allies and instead support poor and uninsured women and their kids.”
This legislative approach will ensure that tax dollars allocated to health programs for uninsured women will continue by restructuring how our tax dollars are distributed, giving priority to those health centers where a majority of Ohio women receive care.
Ohio Right to Life encourages its supporters to contact their legislators to voice their support of this life-saving legislation. Find your representative by clicking here. 


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