Ohio Right to Life Testifies on House Bill 125

Right to Life Announces Support for Heartbeat Informed Consent


CONTACT: Rachel Schlater
DATE: Wednesday, December 7, 2011
PHONE: (614) 547-0099 ext. 309
(COLUMBUS, OH) – Today, Ohio Right to Life testified in the Ohio Senate regarding House Bill 125, The Heartbeat Bill. Ohio Right to Life announced its strong support for a Heartbeat Informed Consent Law, which would be the first in the nation and a model for all 49 other states.
Recently Congresswoman Michele Bachmann introduced the same piece of legislation in congress and Ohio Right to Life urges the general assembly to adopt the same measure.
At the hearing, Ohio Right to Life testified that while every baby with a beating heart should be protected, we should go much further and protect all babies from the moment of conception.
“Ohio’s current Informed Consent Law has been on the books since 1992 and we have seen the number of abortions in our state decline dramatically in that time,” said Stephanie Krider, Director of Legislative Affairs at Ohio Right to Life. “To pass a Heartbeat Informed Consent Act would save countless additional babies as women become more informed about their baby’s beating heart.”
According to Focus on the Family 78% of women who see their baby in an ultra-sound choose not to abort. 
“Abortion is a dark stain of the fabric of our great nation. The enthusiasm and resolve of the grassroots pro-life movement in our state is undeniable, and it is because of that support that this Legislature has enacted more pro-life laws that any before it,” said Krider.
Ohio Right to Life and its affiliated chapters urge the general assembly to pursue this new and innovative legislative approach.  



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