Ohio Senate Approves De-funding of Planned Parenthood

Bill Stripping $1.3 Million Goes Back to House for Concurrence


DATE: Wednesday, January 27, 2016     PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 304


COLUMBUS, Ohio–Today, Ohio Right to Life’s legislation to de-fund Planned Parenthood (H.B. 294) was approved by the Ohio Senate, 22-8. Sponsored by Representatives Margaret Conditt (R-Liberty Township) and Bill Patmon (D-Cleveland), this legislation cuts over $1 million in yearly federal grants to Planned Parenthood, the country’s largest abortion provider. This morning, the Senate Committee on Government Oversight and Reform approved the legislation, 9-3. This legislation, which is at the top of Ohio Right to Life’s 2015-2016 legislative agenda, received renewed interest following the release of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials negotiating dollar amounts for aborted babies’ body parts. In December, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine revealed that in Ohio, Planned Parenthood locations are contracting with companies that dump fetal remains in landfills.

“Ohio Right to Life is on the cusp of de-funding Planned Parenthood thanks to the hard work and compassion of our pro-life leaders,” said Stephanie Ranade Krider, executive director of Ohio Right to Life. “When the country’s largest abortion provider is caught callously negotiating over the hearts, livers, and heads of aborted children, Ohio has to stand up against doing business with that entity.”

In November, the Ohio House passed the legislation, 62-33. House Bill 294 now heads back to the Ohio House for concurrence, and then on to the desk of Governor John Kasich, who has signed 16 Ohio Right to Life initiatives over the last five years.

“With an infant mortality crisis like Ohio’s, our State has to be very deliberate in ensuring that funds combating that crisis go to programs that respect the whole continuum of life,” said Krider. “Time and again, Planned Parenthood has demonstrated that it cannot be trusted with bringing every pre-born child to term. Ohio Right to Life thanks the leadership of Senate President Keith Faber and Chairman Bill Coley for passing this legislation with careful thought and consideration, and the utmost compassion for mothers and their babies.” 

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.



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