Ohio State University Advocates for Abortion

Ohio State Organization “Sex Week” Teams Up With Planned Parenthood


DATE: Wednesday, February 6, 2019  PHONE: 614-547-0099 ext. 304

COLUMBUS, Ohio–Today, Ohio State University announced in their daily Today OnCampus email that they will be hosting “Sex Week” beginning on February 11. Two of the listed events are put on by Planned Parenthood, one with the title “Fighting Abortion Stigma with Planned Parenthood.”

“Ohio State, as a publicly-funded university, should not be promoting Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda,” said Jamieson Gordon, spokeswoman for Ohio Right to Life. “Partnering with Planned Parenthood, an organization that makes millions of dollars by ending the lives of unborn babies, is a disgusting use of tax-payer money. Planned Parenthood’s core mission is abortion-on-demand and that is far outside the mainstream of most Ohioans’ deeply held convictions.”

Planned Parenthood is also featured on an event called “Contraception Jeopardy.” 

“Ohio Right to Life calls on the Ohio General Assembly to consider this tacit support of Planned Parenthood by OSU as they begin to look at the Ohio budget,” said Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life. “Ohio State University will likely ask for millions more of our tax dollars in this year’s budget. Their support of Planned Parenthood should be enough to give Ohio’s pro-life legislators pause.”

Ohio Right to Life urges pro-life Ohioans to contact their legislators to voice their opposition of how their tax-dollars are being used to promote Planned Parenthood.

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.



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