ORTL Late-Term Abortion Ban Continues to Advance in the Senate

S.B. 72 moves onward to passage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                     CONTACT: Rachel Schlater

DATE: Wednesday, March 30, 2011                                        PHONE:(614) 547-0099 ext. 309


(COLUMBUS, OH) – Ohio made an aggressive advancement in pro-life legislation today.  Ohio Right to Life’s S.B. 72, the Late-Term Abortion Ban, was voted out of the Ohio Senate Health Committee.  The bill passed with overwhelming committee support and pro-life senators defeated attempts to include pro-abortion amendments to this pro-life legislation.

The Late-Term Abortion Ban requires physicians to determine the viability of an unborn child if the mother sought an abortion at 20 weeks or later into her pregnancy.  If the child is found to be able to live outside the mother’s womb, the abortion cannot be performed.

S.B. 72,  sponsored by Senator Peggy Lehner (R – Dayton) and 15 additional co-sponsors, would save countless lives every year in the state of Ohio, and would be the most important piece of pro-life legislation Ohio has passed in years. 

“The Senate Health committee today took an important step towards ensuring that the lives of unborn children capable of surviving outside the womb will be protected in Ohio,” said Senator Lehner today. “When Ohio passes this bill, public opinion and the law will finally both be on the side of viable babies.” 

Ohio Right to Life expresses its gratitude to Senator Peggy Lehner and those who offered testimony to ensure these pro-life advancements.  We also thank Chairman Scott Oelslager (R – North Canton) and the members of the Senate Health Committee. Ohio Right to Life expects S.B. 72 to advance to the Senate Floor soon. 

Click HERE to find contact information for your senators and urge them to pass this pro-life legislation. 


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