Other Types of Giving

Click here to download our Mail-In Donation Form.

Work Place Giving

There are several ways to support Ohio Right to Life through work place giving.

You can give through:

Employer Matching Gifts – If your employer has a matching to us, separately if you’ve donated online or along with your donation. We’ll take care of the rest. Employer matching programs set their own donation criteria and Ohio Right to Life Education Fund may or may not qualify.

Combined Federal Campaign of Greater Ohio – If you are employed by the federal government anywhere in the state of Ohio or are a Ohio resident and serving in the military somewhere else, you can designate your CFC gift to the Ohio Right to Life Education Fund.

United Way – The Ohio Right to Life Education Fund is not part of the United Way family of agencies and we do not receive United Way funds directly – only if you specifically designate your personal gift to us. You will not find the Ohio Right to Life Education Fund listed as a United Way agency. You will have to manually designate your gift to us. 

If you have questions, please call 614-547-0099 ext. 305.

Appreciated Securities

You can save lives and receive a tax advantage by donating shares of stock to an IRS-qualified 501(c)(3) charity, such as the Ohio Right to Life Education Fund.

To learn what steps must be taken to give appreciated securities, please call 614-547-0099 ext. 305.


Celebrate the life of a loved one with a memorial gift or honor a loved one’s anniversary or special occasion with an honorarium gift.

Special cards noting your gift are sent to your loved one’s family and their names are published in our newsletter.

To give your gift in Memory of or in Honor of a friend or loved one, complete this form and mail it with your check or credit card information.

Legacy Gifts

Legacy Gifts allow you to make charitable donations to Ohio Right to Life during your lifetime and/or through your will. Planning now for how your assets will be distributed after your death will ensure that those individuals and institutions you care most about will benefit from your generosity.

Leave a Legacy – Through Your Will

You can leave a legacy for the unborn in your will. By doing so, you may be able to protect more of your estate from the IRS. Please check with your estate planner or attorney for details.

Tell your attorney or estate planner that you wish to leave a gift to:

Ohio Right to Life Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) corporation. Gifts to this fund are tax deductible.

Ohio Right to Life Society, Inc., a 501(c)(4) corporation. Gifts to this fund are not tax deductible.

The information provided on this website is not intended as legal, tax or investment advice. For such advice, always consult an attorney, tax professional or investment professional.


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