Pledge to Vote Pro-Life

In the wake of Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, the U.S. Senate and President Obama are now wrestling over the nomination of the next Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

In the wake of Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, the U.S. Senate and President Obama are now wrestling over the nomination of the next Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

On Monday, Ted Strickland, the pro-abortion candidate for U.S. Senate, made statements supporting the nomination of a Justice who would support Roe v. Wade and abortion-on-demand.

As he told the Cleveland Plain Dealer“If a nominee indicated that they were likely to vote against continuing Roe v. Wade as the law of the land, I absolutely would consider that a total disqualifier.” 

These statements strike at the heart of the importance of the 2016 Election. The last thing we need is an activist pro-abortion judge rubber-stamping Roe for another 40 years!

Thankfully, pro-life U.S. Senator Rob Portman was quick to make the case for delaying a Supreme Court appointment until the election of a new President.

Elections matter. They don’t just determine the next four years–they can determine the next 40. 

Today, will you sign your name to the Pledge to Vote Pro-life? We need commitment, we need your pledge. We know that together, our voices will be heard loud and clear.

Add your name to the Pledge today, and ask your friends to do the same. We need a Justice who honors the Originalist tradition of Justice Scalia. We need a Justice who refuses to fabricate “rights” that infringe on the most basic human right, the right to life.



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