This Week’s Pro-Life Update!

In the midst of these challenging times, the fight for life persists! As the battle for life continues we at Ohio Right to Life have been hard at work, tirelessly advocating for the protection of the most vulnerable in our society. Check out this week’s Pro-Life Update!  

Unethical Experimentation on Human Embryos Expanded by New Guidance

This week, the International Society for Stem Cell Research announced new guidance which includes the removal of the “14 day rule” for experimentation on human embryos.  This long adhered to guideline limits the length of time a tiny human life can be experimented on to 14 days after they are created. 

Extending this already unethical and arbitrary window on human experimentation is a gross misuse of scientific research and human rights. Using science to abuse a completely helpless human life does not further the interests of humanity but rather undermines them. Ethical research is imperative for a free and fair society. 

The pro-life movement must continue to hold accountable those who wish to use other human beings as objects to be abused and discarded on a whim. Every human, no matter how small, deserves to be protected and cherished for what they are: genetically distinct and never to be repeated human persons. 

Lebanon, Ohio Becomes Ohio’s First Sanctuary City for the Unborn

Late Tuesday night, Lebanon, Ohio became the first city in the state to declare itself a Sanctuary City for the Unborn. In a unanimous vote, the Lebanon City Council voted to affirm an ordinance which outlaws abortion in their city and declares the abortion pill to be contraband.

The pro-life sanctuary city movement began Texas, and has since spread across the county. 29 cities have now declared themselves Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn, including Lubbock, Texas which has an active Planned Parenthood location. Even though many of these Sanctuary City declarations end up in court, they still make an unmistakable cultural statement: the people of America are pro-life and ready to take a stand for the unborn and their mothers- starting right in their communities. 

Ohio Right to Life is hopeful that more cities in Ohio will embrace this ground-breaking grassroots movement to protect the innocent unborn! 

To read the full text of the ordinance, click here. 

To learn more about Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn, click here. 

Sign the Petition to End Abortion in Ohio!

Have you signed the petition yet to end abortion in Ohio? Ohio Right to Life’s Human Life Protection Act would ban abortion in Ohio the moment Roe v. Wade is overturned- ending abortion in our state!

Due to the pro-life majority on the United States Supreme Court and the fact that SCOTUS has agreed to take up Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban which poses a direct challenge to Roe, passing the Human Life Protection Act is all the more urgent. Since it is unlikely to be challenged in court, the Human Life Protection Act would be able to immediately go into effect, while other legislation that had been previously passed and enjoined would need to file a case to overturn the injunction, which would take some time.

Ten other states have enacted legislation similar to the Human Life Protection Act and are all currently in effect. This legislation is Ohio Right to Life’s #1 priority. We would be honored if you would stand with us as we take this historic step to end abortion for good in our state. 

To sign the petition to pass the Human Life Protection Act, click here.

To learn more about the Human Life Protection Act, click here.

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 40 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.



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