This Week’s Pro-Life Update!

In the midst of these uncertain times, the fight for life persists! We at Ohio Right to Life have been hard at work, tirelessly advocating for the protection of the most vulnerable in our society. Check out this week’s Pro-Life Update! 

On Wednesday, the Ohio Right to Life Political Action Committee announced its first endorsements for the November 2020 elections. The PAC issued endorsements of candidates for Congress, the Ohio Supreme Court, and the Court of Appeals. This marks the first time that the Ohio Right to Life PAC has endorsed Court of Appeals candidates in a general election. Knowing the important role that courts have in determining the future of the many pro-life protections passed into Ohio law in recent years, we will work hard to advocate for these pro-life judicial candidates in particular. Please help us spread the word by sharing our endorsements with family, friends, and your personal networks!

 Click here for Ohio Right to Life’s endorsements and recommendations.

Today, Ohio Right to Life is releasing the second episode in our special series of The Pro-Life Ohio Podcast, “The Push for the Abortion Pill.” This multi-episode special edition focuses on the spread of chemical abortions and how the abortion industry is pushing these dangerous drugs on vulnerable women in more ways than ever before.

In this week’s episode, The Push for the Abortion Pill Pt. 2,  Heartbeat International’s Christa Brown, a registered nurse and Medical Impact Director and Andrea Trudden, Director of Communications and Marketing take the time to talk with our podcast host Allie Frazier on how the abortion industry’s push to expand access to chemical abortions is endangering women not only here in the U.S., but also around the world. 

You can listen to “The Push for the Abortion Pill” series on The Pro-Life Ohio Podcast SoundCloud page. To listen to the second episode, click here.

A few weeks ago, we hosted our annual State Oratory Contest via a new online format. We had a slate of wonderful contestants, who all worked hard to deliver their pro-life speeches and be a voice for the voiceless during these unprecedented times. Kathleen Boylson of Immaculate Conception Academy won first place, Joel Koehler of Clark County Right to Life won second place, and Riley Pearson of Mercer County Right to Life won third place. Kathleen will be representing Ohio at the National Right to Life Oratory Contest which will also be held virtually this year. We are confident that her message will resonate with the judges at the NRLC contest! Good luck, Kathleen!

Founded in 1967, Ohio Right to Life, with more than 45 chapters and local affiliates, is Ohio’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. Recognized as the flagship of the pro-life movement in Ohio, ORTL works through legislation and education to promote and defend innocent human life from conception to natural death.




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