Poll: What about Trump?

Last week, Ohio Right to Life announced that our president, Mike Gonidakis, will be meeting with presumptive Republican nominee Donald J. Trump tomorrow in New York City. This meeting is just as much about analyzing Mr. Trump’s credentials on life issues as it is about educating him on the value of pro-life policies.

In the meantime, the Ohio Right to Life team wants to use this poll to gauge where our supporters stand on the endorsement of a Donald Trump presidency. Over the years, Mr. Trump’s position on life issues has changed. Now, he calls himself “pro-life” and is campaigning as a pro-life presidential candidate–a contrast to the radical pro-abortion candidacy of Hillary Clinton.

Still, we are well aware of the different perspectives of our pro-life membership on whether Donald Trump should be endorsed by the Ohio Right to Life PAC. As we give this careful thought and earnest consideration, we want to know your opinion: Should Ohio Right to Life endorse Donald Trump? Or should we stay neutral? Or are you unsure?

>>>Take our poll now and tell us what you think about a Donald Trump presidency.

This question matters tremendously to the policies that the United States will follow over the next four years, and to the lives of the unborn, the disabled, and the elderly.

As goes Ohio, so goes the nation. This election and all elections, we must ensure that Ohio leads the nation in honoring the intrinsic dignity of the human person.

Will you help us as we consider our choices? Take our poll now and let us know what you think about Donald Trump and an Ohio Right to Life endorsement.


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