Poll: Who are YOU voting for?

Tomorrow’s the day, and we have one question: Who are you voting for in the Presidential Primary Election? (Take survey now!)

As you know, our affiliation with National Right to Life prohibits Ohio Right to Life from endorsing for President in the Primary Election. Our own president, Mike Gonidakis, will play a role in that process as he sits on the Board of National Right to Life. But for now, we’re interested in your Presidential favorite. Here’s a quick look at the candidates’ records:

Senator Ted Cruz has a 100% pro-life voting record with National Right to Life. He has supported both the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, as well as the de-funding of Planned Parenthood at the federal level.

Governor John Kasich has signed 17 pieces of Ohio Right to Life-supported initiatives since 2011, including Ohio’s Late-Term Abortion Ban and the de-funding of Planned Parenthood. Around half of the state’s abortion facilities have closed or stopped performing abortions during the same time frame.

Senator Marco Rubio has a 100% pro-life voting record with National Right to Life. He was an original co-sponsor of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and he has voted to de-fund Planned Parenthood at the federal level.

(Click here to view and download Presidential Comparison.)

So the question is: Who are you voting for? Click here to answer this one question and let us know which candidate you’re rooting for!

We strongly urge you to cast a vote for the candidate you believe will work to defend human life from conception until natural death; who will stand up to Planned Parenthood; who will appoint a Supreme Court Justice who will overturn Roe v. Wade; who will protect religious freedom; and who will oppose the life-threatening policies of Obamacare.

Below you can find helpful links, including endorsements made by the Ohio Right to Life PAC and a link to create your own personalized ballot card on our new PAC website!

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Finally, we just want to say thank you in advance for voting pro-life. We still have months to go before the General Election, but we’re grateful for the steps you’re taking now to ensure the election of pro-life leaders!


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